Friday, January 9, 2015


Today Peyton had an appointment at Shriners to have her legs looked at. I am sure some are reading this and are thinking legs, what? Peyton's legs have been causing her pain since last summer. So her neurologist referred her to Shriners because she was concerned. I have to say Shriners is an amazing hospital. A very well run facility. After having Peyton looked at they feel that her joints and muscles are too tight. So we are supposed to help her stretch morning and night. They also felt that she is developing "knock knees" which will hopefully straighten themselves out. She is supposed to start in a vitamin d supplement to prevent rickets. They feel that her medicine is depleting crucial vitamins which is causing problems. But over all her legs look good. She will go back in 3 months to see if there is any change. I am just so grateful that she has the team of doctors she does now. It took us so long to get her to people who would truly listen. It is such a relief to feel like there is a " team Peyton" of doctors trying to help. On a side note Emma has been sleeping in Peyton's room because it is a comfort for Peyton while she is going through this change. I could hear Peyton crying so I went to go and check on her. As I got to the door I Peyton stopped and I could hear Emma singing to her. It was so sweet. Emma has been such an amazing big sister for Peyton. Peyton has been scheduled for a sleep study with an EEG in February. It is so crazy how much her neurologist has scheduled and had done in the short amount of time since her first appointment with her. Feeling very grateful tonight.

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