Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Here I Sit

Here I sit in a hospital bed watching my sweet Peyton sleep next to me. They have ceiling tiles that have been decorated by other children that have stayed in the room. There is one that says "be brave". How fitting for Peyton. She was admitted yesterday because she has been sick for the past 8 days. She was severely dehydrated. They have her on an IV. We are waiting for all the blood work to come back. It is so hard to watch her go through this. To watch the panic in her eyes if I stand up to go to the bathroom. She does not want me to leave her side. It is crazy to me that she will be 3 in August and she has already been through so much. I try to remember that there is always going someone who is worse off and some that are better off. Everyone has their own things that they have to go through. This is ours. It may not seem like a big deal to some but to us it is. That is why I love the quote " Be Kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Marjorie Pay Hinckley. What someone else is going through may not seem like a big deal to you, but for them it is.